This page is entirely devoted to all KES - BILLY CASPER fans.
Here you can post your comments about the film or the web site, and read what others think by clicking on our Guestbook.
For works of KES art you wish to send, which are exhibited in the Gallery, please send them to our email address kes-billycasper@virginmedia.com or upload onto our Facebook page.
In our Video subfolder, I am delighted to premiere the definitive version of a wonderful KES RAP Song, created and produced by David Smailes of Super Baby Project - with huge thanks. Also there’s a tongue-in cheek video by Reeves & Mortimer, and hopefully more to come in the future. If you have a homemade KES video worth exhibiting, please send it to our main web site address above.
Polaroids of exceptional homage from fans appear here on the main page and in Videos. For instance, did you know that several enthusiasts have celebrated their affection for the film with tattoos? A friend of mine, Steve Green has one by the Barnsley tattooist, Nigel Kurt; and it’s very impressive too - and then why not check out Nigel’s personal web site, and be amazed. Another chap I met at the Yorkshire Falconry Club, tattooed Billy on his teenage son’s leg as a birthday gift. Sadly, I can’t give credit to his fine art work, as I do not have his name. Perhaps the teenager is a friend of yours; if so let me know and I’d be happy to place his Dad’s name in the appropriate Homage Polaroid.
Also there are two scooters air-brushed with Kes - Billy Casper images, owned by Jannine Ammot and Neil Lax. And there is a third air-brushed scooter out there we’re currently tracking down - soon to be added to our Homage Polaroids. Thus if you are a fan who has gone to similar lengths (and expense!), send us your “pièce de résistance” and I’d be delighted to include it.
Then there’s an extraordinary artist named George Shaw, who as a young lad growing up in the Midlands touched by Billy’s story, drew a couple of beautiful pencil sketches. What makes George so unique, notwithstanding his oils and watercolours, is that he specializes in creating pictures using Umbrol enamels - those miniature tin pots boys used when painting Airfix models. I am currently trying to contact him, and with luck and his permission, will display them in the near future.
So there you go: a sample of art inspired by fans’ affection, celebrating their love for the film - and hopefully more soon. As previously mentioned, this is your folder, giving you an opportunity to express… and share with other fans.