Hello all KES fans, and welcome to the official, newly furbished web site, managed by no other than yours truly – Billy Casper.
I hope you’ll find it an enjoyable experience.
This is the place to visit for all personally signed pics, and mounted pics, DVD’s, plus the 40th Anniversary T-shirts and a new Billy Casper Charity Car Sticker.
Also there is a Fanzine Folder for all your comments, (and other fan featured items), and any questions you might have about the film etc. Another pouch gives a brief biog / CV, whereas the Events wallet provides upcoming personal appearances in the pipeline.
In the near future when time allows, I hope to make a location by location video, giving Kes fans an in-depth account of how we made the film, along with one or two anecdotes.
Seems like only yesterday that as a schoolboy, not quite 15 years old, I was chosen to play Billy Casper; representing all the Billy’s (male and female) across the social divide.
There’s no disguising the fact KES has touched many lives, and is as relevant as ever with a new generation of kids needing a voice.